Non-Profit Partner Program

Bid4Real is an online auction platform and marketplace that joins for-profit businesses with consumers seeking exceptional deals, for the purpose of funding charitable endeavors and creating new sales channels for profit.

What can we do for your 501(c)3?

Provide an online auction platform at no cost 
  • Modernize the standard Silent paper auctions – move from 2 dimensional paper to 3 dimensional online 
  • Bidders can see current high bid or place a bid from their mobile device | no need to crowd around a paper bid sheet 
  • 100% of proceeds to your cause - we only pass on any payment processing fees, or any applicable shipping or taxes that we pay to fulfill the items won.

  • Increase promotional effectiveness 
  • Bidding on auction items can begin before the fund raising event
  • Donors can bid even if unable to physically attend the event
  • For some items, auctions can be extended to end on a date after the event, to increase the opportunity to obtain more $ for the cause
  • Expand donor base organically – other members of the Bid4Real community can bid on your items

  • You can now expand your reach geographically, and list donated items throughout the year, keeping actively engaged with your growing donor base.

    For more information, or to request a non-profit partner application, please email us at [email protected]